Teh Final Pokemon Episode

Ten years from now I am watching the Pokemon TV show. There is no song, no intro. I find this rather strange, and my turtle does too. (Also for some reason my turtle's eyes are always closed and he never ever moves. He smells really bad. I make sure he gets plenty of sun anyhow. I've had him for 2000 years. Today he turns 5 :D) So anyways the TV screen shows Pikachu walking down the road when he is hit by a car!!! He faceplants and just lies there in a pool of HYPERREALISTIC BLOOD while the theme from The Godfather plays in the background. My turtle and I thought that 4Kids was just having technical difficulties and thought nothing of it. The camera goes to inside the car to reveal the driver as... O EM GEE... Ash! He just kept driving and make a triumphant fist and screamed "YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!" I was so shocked that I screamed as the screen then cut to black for 4.278 seconds and then it showed Brock twerking in Misty's face as blood red tears streamed down her face as she kept screaming "NONONONONONONONO!!!" In an endless loop. It was so loud and horrifying that I made the volume on the TV even louder so those garden gnomes would get THE FECK OFF MAH LAWN until my neighbor called me a lousy druggie. I'm not a druggie! Anyways I paused the TV so I could go smoke weed for the fourth time today, and then unpaused the TV and continued the episode. All that was on the screen was just Ash's face but all bloody and cut up, and he was just staring at me. Then all of a sudden he screamed like a crazy person while flailing his legs and jumped out of the TV and pulled me in to the TV! I begged my turtle to save me but it was too late. And now for all of eternity I'm forced to watch Iris and Dawn make out, and you're next. Bye! :D (Also a skeleton popped out, but it wasn't that scurry)